Sunday 26th February 2023 – The Temptations of Jesus

Kirsty has prepared some resources themed around the Bible Readings for the 26th February 2023, a printer friendly version is available at Read: Matthew 4:1-11 Today is the first Sunday in Lent. Lent is a special time of preparation for Easter, and has 6 Sundays. During Lent we think about the temptations that Jesus… Continue reading Sunday 26th February 2023 – The Temptations of Jesus

Ash Wednesday service now on Youtube

An edited recording of our Ash Wednesday service is now available on our Youtube channel. The service was led by Mr. John Kee, with pre recorded segments prepared by Rev Adam who could not be with us.

Categorised as Event

Bishops Appeal in aid of Türkiye and Syria

A retiring collection in aid of the victims of the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria through The Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal World Aid and Development will be held Sunday 26th February 5th March and 12th March