Safeguarding Trust

The policies of the Church of Ireland that cover child protection are called Safeguarding Trust. It describes best practice in ensuring that our children are safe. The diocese provides training for all adults who work with children in any capacity either voluntary or in a paid capacity. Each parish grouping has a panel who serve… Continue reading Safeguarding Trust

Explore Youth Alpha

Youth Alpha is a contemporary exploration of the Christian Faith that is being used by groups all around the world to help young people explore the character and claims of Jesus. Over 8 weeks, it looks at topics from ‘Who is Jesus?’ and ‘Why did Jesus die?’ to ‘How & why should I read the… Continue reading Explore Youth Alpha

Training event for Advent Christmas

Kirsty is running a training event dealing with telling Advent and Christmas message to children , examples of crafts that could be useful.  It will be held in Raphoe Cathedral Hall on 14th Nov 2017

Eggcellent – Thank You

We would like to thank the adults and the children who participated in the recent Good Friday Eggcellent event held in the Henderson Hall. The games and the crafts kept both the young and the not so young on their toes during the event. The weather was not the most “eggcellent” for our Easter egg… Continue reading Eggcellent – Thank You