Children’s resources for Sunday 23rd May 2021

Kirsty has put together some resources that are themed around the Bible reading for Sunday 23rd May 2021 Pentecost Sunday A printer friendly version is available at . The content is reproduced below Read: Acts 2:1-21 Today is a special day in the church – some people say it is the Birthday of the Church! On… Continue reading Children’s resources for Sunday 23rd May 2021

Children’s Resources 16th May 2021

Kirsty has put together some resources themed around the Bible readings for Sunday 16th May aimed at the younger members of our parishes A printer friendly version is available at and the content is reproduced below. Read: John 17:6-19 Jesus knew life would be difficult for his disciples, and also knew that life would… Continue reading Children’s Resources 16th May 2021

Children’s Resources 9th May 2021

Kirsty has put together a collections of resources themed around the Bible readings for Sunday 9th May. A printer friendly version is available at and reproduced below Read: John 15:9-17 Jesus had explained to the disciples that they must remain connected to him to grow and produce fruit. In our reading today Jesus continues… Continue reading Children’s Resources 9th May 2021

Children’s Resource Sheet May 2nd 2021

A printer friendly version of this sheet is available from the Diocesan Website at Again we thank Kirsty for putting this together. Read: John 15:1-8 Jesus used stories to help explain things to his followers and our reading this week is an example of this. Jesus wanted to remind his disciples that they needed… Continue reading Children’s Resource Sheet May 2nd 2021

Children’s resource sheet Sunday 25th April 2021

A printer friendly version is available at Read: John 3:16-24 This is one of the most famous verses in the Bible and has been shared, memorised and said countless times. It also explains why Jesus died on the cross – ‘God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world. He sent his… Continue reading Children’s resource sheet Sunday 25th April 2021

Children’s Activity Sheet 18th April

Kirsty has put together some resources themed around the bible readings for this Sunday 18th April. It is available in a printer friendly format at and is reproduced below . Read: Luke 24:36b-48 Jesus had appeared to two people on the Road to Emmaus. Once they had figured out who Jesus was they ran… Continue reading Children’s Activity Sheet 18th April