Broadcast and Online worship opportunities for Sunday 5th July

The press office of the Church of Ireland produce a listing of worship resources available for Sunday, it is a summary of possible radio tv and online worship that you can listen in or watch. It is available at and reproduced below for reference

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Reopening of Churches

Hopefully in the next few weeks we will be able to open for public act of worship again. In order to protect our parishioners there will be changes forced on us in how we conduct our services. There will be limits on the number of people we can have within our buildings to comply with… Continue reading Reopening of Churches

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Broadcast and Online worship opportunities for June 21st 2020

The Church if Ireland press office summarise various broadcast and online worship opportunities that are available each Sunday. It is not an exhaustive list but hopefully it will prove useful . It is available at It is also reproduced below

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Notice Sheet emails

On Saturday the notice sheet for the forthcoming week is put up on the website. If anyone wants it emailed as well please let us know by contacting us at and I will add you to the list. If you used to get the notice sheet by email and it has stopped arriving could… Continue reading Notice Sheet emails

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