A few more videos have been put together by the churches in and around Donegal Town. With the mid term break this week perhaps your children can enjoy these videos over the coming week. Thanks to Rev Stephen, Rev John, Rev David, and “Hector” and all those involved for their work in putting this together.… Continue reading Kingdom Kids
Category: News
Online Alpha course at DerryandRaphoe.org
The diocese is running an alpha course online via zoom starting on 5th of November. Some topics that will be covered include Is there more to life than this? Why did Jesus die? How can I have faith? Why and how do I pray? How does God guide us? Does God heal today? To sign… Continue reading Online Alpha course at DerryandRaphoe.org
Poppy Appeal 2020 A Drive thru at Stranorlar Church Car Park Sunday 8th Nov
As our church building remain closed, due to COVID-19 restrictions, Aubrey and Bonnie Oliver ran a Drive Thru poppy appeal. at Stranorlar Church Car Park. €370 euro was donated, many thanks to all who contributed in these unusual circumstances
Clocks go back 1 hour Sunday 25th Oct 2am
Reminder that the clocks go back 1 hour at 2am Sunday 25th October so while we get an hour extra in bed tonight the evenings will be getting darker even sooner.
Broadcast and Online Worship 25th October 2020
The Church of Ireland press office in Belfast produce a listing of broadcast and online worship services/reflections that are available on Sunday. Traditional broadcasts may be more suited to those where internet connectivity is a problem. It is available at https://www.ireland.anglican.org/cmsfiles/pdf/news/Press/2020/Broadcast-Online-Worship-25.10.20.pdf Radio and TV Suggestions Sunday Worship BBC Radio 4 8.10am – 8.50am The Revd… Continue reading Broadcast and Online Worship 25th October 2020
Level 5 Restrictions in force from midnight 21st October
The government of Ireland has moved all counties onto Level 5 restrictions effective midnight Wednesday 21st October (i.e. from Thursday 22nd Oct) It is planned that this will remain in force for six weeks until the start of Dec 2020. Church buildings will remain closed and services will be available online. We will continue to… Continue reading Level 5 Restrictions in force from midnight 21st October