Author: John
Confirmation Sunday 18th March 2018
It was great to see the church packed with people for the Confirmation service on Sunday 18th. Many thanks to everyone that helped in any way, to the Candidates who faithfully attended the youth alpha sessions, the parents who supported them, the leaders, Gareth and Clodagh from Exodus. Our thanks also go to Bishop Ken… Continue reading Confirmation Sunday 18th March 2018
Clocks go forward 1am Sunday 25th March
A gentle reminder that the clocks “spring” forward Sunday 25th March at 1am by 1 hour.
Youth Alpha – Thank you to Gareth and Clodagh
Many thanks to Gareth and Clodagh for all the work with the confirmation candidates in the last eight weeks. We wish them both every success in the future and appreciate how they worked with the children during the weeks to learn more about Christianity.
Safeguarding Trust
The policies of the Church of Ireland that cover child protection are called Safeguarding Trust. It describes best practice in ensuring that our children are safe. The diocese provides training for all adults who work with children in any capacity either voluntary or in a paid capacity. Each parish grouping has a panel who serve… Continue reading Safeguarding Trust
Revision to the Register of Vestry Persons
Every member of the Church of Ireland who has reached the age of eighteen years and lives in the parish, or who attends the parish church, is entitled to be registered as a member of the general vestry. Anyone who is aged over eighteen years and who wishes their name to be added to the… Continue reading Revision to the Register of Vestry Persons