Children’s resources for Sunday 6th Sep

Kirsty has created some resources for use by children matching themes from the Bible readings for Sunday Please share with anyone who might find it useful.

Service of the Word August 30th

Again many thanks to the many people involved in keeping our church buildings available for public worship and ensure that HSE guidelines are kept. Our service was led by Mrs. Elsie Stewart. Music is courtesy of the Recorded Church Music committee of the Church of Ireland who permitted the use of their recordings in streamed… Continue reading Service of the Word August 30th

Broadcast and Online worship opportunities Sunday 23rd August

The Church of Ireland press office release a summary of broadcast and online worship resources for Sunday 23rd August. It is not an exhaustive list and they focus on traditional broadcast media that may be easier to access for those with poor or limited internet connectivity. It is available at

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Recording of our Service of the Word on August 16th 2020

Many thanks to all involved in today’s service led by Elsie Stewart. Music provided by Holy Trinity Dromore and we thank Rev Quill for the use of their recordings We also use the Irish Blessing recording made earlier this year © 2020 NEW VOICE MUSIC adm. by All rights reserved.