Service of the Word 18th October

Co. Donegal is at Level 4 on the Irish Government plan for living with COVID-19. Church buildings remain closed and services have to be streamed via online platforms. Again many thanks to those involved in preparing the service and to Rev Quill and Holy Trinity Dromore for their permission to use their music recordings. These… Continue reading Service of the Word 18th October

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Children’s Resources 18th October 2020

Kirsty has put together a listing of resources that link in with the bible readings for 18th October It is available at It includes a video, colouring sheet, pray, crossword and activity. Many thanks to Sermon4Kids, Praying together and 2 fish talks for the use of their resources.

Broadcast and Online Worship Services and Reflections Sunday 18th

The Church of Ireland press office in Belfast produce a listing of various broadcast and online worship services and reflections that will be available each Sunday. It is available at In Donegal we can generally pick up BBC and RTE broadcasts and for those of us that have limited internet connectivity or more used… Continue reading Broadcast and Online Worship Services and Reflections Sunday 18th

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n:vision Harvest is available online

You can read the n:vision Harvest 2020 edition online at

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Level 4 Restrictions in force in Co. Donegal from midnight 15th October

As of midnight 15th October the Irish government has moved counties Donegal Cavan and Monaghan to Level 4 on the plan for living with COVID-19. It means that our church buildings remain closed and services will be streamed online live via our Facebook page and later recordings will available via our youtube channel. Non… Continue reading Level 4 Restrictions in force in Co. Donegal from midnight 15th October

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