Broadcast and Online Worship Resources for Sunday 14th Feb.

Below are traditional broadcast worship programmes available on 14th February Sunday Worship BBC Radio 4 8.10am – 8.50am This is love’. Those are the words of John, the ‘beloved disciple’ – seeing out his latter years with the congregation of his beloved church in Ephesus. In the centuries since, poets and musicians of every hue have been… Continue reading Broadcast and Online Worship Resources for Sunday 14th Feb.

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Children’s resources Transfiguration Sunday 14th Feb 2021

Kirsty has put together some resources for Transfiguration Sunday. A print friendly version is available Read: Mark 9:2-9Jesus had been amazing the disciples with all the things he had been saying and doing. They had heard interesting stories and been witnesses to many miracles. But Jesus had recently started talking a lot more about… Continue reading Children’s resources Transfiguration Sunday 14th Feb 2021

Service of the Word 7th Feb 2021

Our service of the word recorded recorded at noon 7th February 2021. Many thanks to all who helped make the service possible. The music is courtesy of Rev Quill and Holy Trinity church Dromore and we thank them for the use of their recordings. for the use of an excerpt from their video on… Continue reading Service of the Word 7th Feb 2021

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Broadcast and Online services resources for Sunday 7th Feb.

Sunday Worship BBC Radio 4 8.10am – 8.50am Marking Chinese New Year and as what is likely to be the largest UK immigration from outside Europe begins since Windrush, from Hong Kong. Chinese Christians have been worshiping in the UK for at least 70 years. Today the Chinese Christian community flourishes with congregations preaching in English, Mandarin… Continue reading Broadcast and Online services resources for Sunday 7th Feb.

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Children’s Resources for Sunday 7th February

Kirsty has put together some resources following the themes in the bible readings for Sunday 7th February A print friendly version is available at Read: John 1:1-14This passage in John’s Gospel is probably one of the most well-known Bible passages – ‘In the beginning…’ John’s gospel is different in that instead of starting with… Continue reading Children’s Resources for Sunday 7th February

Service of the Word 31st Jan 2021

Our service of the word as streamed live from Stranorlar Church at noon using Facebook Live is now uploaded on YouTube as well. Many thanks to all who helped make the service possible. It was led by Rev Adam, readings and prayers by Mrs. Elsie Stewart. Mr Brian Bovaird helped ensure the technology kept going… Continue reading Service of the Word 31st Jan 2021

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