Children’s Resource 21st March The Power of his Love

Sunday 21st March – The Power of His Love Read: John 12:20-33 Jesus was worried that people didn’t understand why he had come to earth, or what was going to happen to him. They thought he was trying to build his kingdom on earth, but really his kingdom is in heaven. Jesus died on the cross so our sins could… Continue reading Children’s Resource 21st March The Power of his Love

Broadcast and Online Resources for Sunday 21st March

Traditional Broadcast resources for Sunday 21st March Sunday Worship BBC Radio 4 8.10am – 8.50am A moment of remembrance led by the Archbishop of York marks the loss of over 120,000 lives as the nation prepares to mark the anniversary of lockdown. Leader: Debbie Thrower. Morning Service BBC Radio Ulster & BBC Radio Foyle 10.15am – 11.00am For the… Continue reading Broadcast and Online Resources for Sunday 21st March

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Children’s Resource 14th March 2021

Many thanks to Kirsty for putting this together. A printer friendly version is available at It is also reproduced below. Read: John 3:14-21 This is a very complicated passage that talks about different reasons God sent Jesus to do his ministry on earth but today I want to focus on just one- Love!‘God so… Continue reading Children’s Resource 14th March 2021

Mother’s Day 2021

Mother’s Day 2021 is on the 14th March. Traditionally this Sunday was set aside for servants to return to their mother church. We would like to take this opportunity to wish Mothers every happiness especially in this time of lockdown and restrictions.

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