Children’s Resources for Wednesday in Holy Week

All the resources for Holy Week and Easter Sunday are available in one file from the diocesan website at • Wednesday – Jesus washes the disciples feet – John 13:1-17 Read: read the story of Jesus washing the disciples feet. This happened during the Last Supper which we will look at tomorrow. We need to remember that at the time… Continue reading Children’s Resources for Wednesday in Holy Week

Children”s Resources Tuesday in Holy Week

All the resources for Holy Week and Easter Sunday are available in one file from the diocesan website at • Tuesday – A Woman Pours Perfume on Jesus at Bethany – John 12:1-11 Read: read the story of the perfume offering. Jesus and his friends were at the house of a man called Simon. A woman appears with… Continue reading Children”s Resources Tuesday in Holy Week

Children’s resource Monday in Holy Week

All the resources for Holy Week and Easter Sunday are available in one file from the diocesan website at • Monday – Jesus in the Temple – Mark 11:15-19 Read: read the story of Jesus in the Temple. We often think of Jesus being very calm and relaxed but we need to remember Jesus was human so felt all… Continue reading Children’s resource Monday in Holy Week

Summer Times begins 1am Sunday 28th March

Reminder that Summer time begins during Saturday night and Sunday morning the clocks go forward 1 hour so 1 hour less in bed but lovely long evening are ahead.

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Broadcast and Online Resources for Sunday 28th March Palm Sunday

Traditional Broadcast resources for Sunday 28th March, Palm Sunday Sunday Worship BBC Radio 4 8.10am – 8.50am  A Palm Sunday celebration with a sermon from this year’s winner of the national ‘Theology Slam’ competition. Service led by Methodist minister Revd Dr Calvin Samuel. Morning Service BBC Radio Ulster & BBC Radio Foyle 10.15am – 11.00am For Palm Sunday, led… Continue reading Broadcast and Online Resources for Sunday 28th March Palm Sunday

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Children’s resources Palm Sunday

All the resources for Holy Week and Easter Sunday are available in one file from the diocesan website at • Palm Sunday: Read: Mark 11:1-11 People would not have expected Jesus, a King, to enter Jerusalem on a donkey. Instead they would have been expecting a white stallion and lots of pomp and ceremony. People… Continue reading Children’s resources Palm Sunday