We primarily serve the Church of Ireland community in and around the twin towns of Ballybofey and Stranorlar. We seek to serve Christ and follow his example in the modern world. Church is not just a building (or three in our case). It is always the people. It is the people of our parishes that make our churches special. There are badminton clubs, sunday schools, football, outreach to the elderly and the infirm and regular Sunday services. There are two national schools with strong links to our churches namely, Stranorlar Robertson national school and Welchtown national school. We are blessed with strong community relations and links with other Christian denominations in the Twin Towns area.
Stranorlar church dates back to at least the 1600’s and is the oldest church in our group. The Henderson Hall is situated opposite the church behind the Robertson national school. Isaac Butt a campaigner for home rule and a rector’s son is buried in the adjoining graveyard.
Kilteevogue Church was built during the 1870’s and is situated close to the River Finn close to the townland of Glenmore. The Donaldson Hall (also called Glenmore hall) is adjacent to the church.
Its setting reflects on the primarily rural community that it serves. The surrounding natural beauty reinforces the majesty of God’s creation.
Meenglass Church is our youngest church building. It replaces a church on this site which was destroyed by storms in the 1960’s. It would formerly have been the estate church for Lord Lifford. The adjacent trees were felled in 2018 which has opened up a great view of the Finn valley region especially the twin towns. The location still enables quiet reflection but now also reminds us that we should be impacting on our community as a force for good.