Stranorlar Harvest Thanksgiving Oct 20th 2017

Rector and guest speaker at Stranorlar Harvest Thanksgiving
Rev Adam and Rev Brian

On yet another stormy night we had an enjoyable service with our guest speaker Rev. Canon Brian Russell. Thankfully Rev. Canon Brian was able to make our service despite ill health earlier in the week. He talked on the themes of generosity, thankfulness and referenced the initiative by the Diocese this year on generosity and reminded us that all the parishes throughout the Derry and Raphoe diocese were doing it.

Again thanks to all who took part, both directly during the service and indirectly by setting the theme so tastefully by decorating the church. Also a big thank you to all those who helped provide the teas and goodies afterwards in the Henderson Hall.

Some snapshots of the flowers, they looked lovely in person, blame the photographer  (me) for any failings rather than the flower arrangers.

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