Tuesday in Holy Week

• Tuesday – A Woman Pours Perfume on Jesus at Bethany – John 12:1-11 

Read: John 12:1-11

Jesus and his friends were having a meal together. Mary took some very expensive perfume and pours it over Jesus’ feet. Judas, who would go on to betray Jesus was really annoyed and thought the woman was being wasteful – perfume at the time of Jesus was a real luxury and came in big ceramic jars – once you opened it there was no way of sealing it again. The woman had probably been saving it for a very long time. Unlike the other guests Jesus was not annoyed – he knew that he was going to die, and maybe she was the only person in room to understand the significance of the next few days. She was giving Jesus a gift – and one he thought everyone should know about – now we know about it too!

Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl-VSPLdqXk (Lifekids)

How would you have reacted if you were there? Who was right?

Do: Coded Colouring – 


Craft –


Pray: The Lord’s Prayer