Budding Artists aged 4-11 Can you draw a Christmas Cover for the n:vision Christmas Edition Theme Shepherds
Planning is also underway for the Christmas edition of the N:Vision magazine. This year we are having a competition for children aged 4 – 11 to design the cover of this very special edition. The winning design will receive an exciting prize, as well as their design being seen across the diocese and beyond. There will also prizes for the runner up. To enter the competition the design must be completed on the template provided and should be emailed to kirsty@derryandraphoe.org or sent to the Diocesan Office by Monday 31st October 2022. All entries need to have name, age, parish and parent/guardian contact email included. The theme of the cover is the Shepherds (Luke 2:8-20) This includes the angels visiting the shepherds and the shepherds going to Bethlehem. The template can be downloaded at https://bit.ly/3F80kIa