Children’s Resource Sunday 26th February

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Kirsty has prepared some resources themed around our Bible readings for this Sunday.

A printer friendly version of these resources is available at

ReadLuke 9:28-36

Throughout his ministry Jesus liked to take time away and pray. At the start of today’s story Jesus goes to the top of a mountain to pray, and takes Peter, James, and John with him. As he is praying his appearance changes and he became bright white! Moses and Elijah appear with him, and the three men talk about God’s rescue plan and what else is going to happen. Peter, James, and John are sleepy when this first happens, but soon wake up! When Moses and Elijah went to leave, Peter asks if they should build shelters and stay on the mountain top. Peter did not want the experience to end. As he was speaking a voice from heaven spoke out and said ‘This is my son, who I have chosen. Listen to him!’ When the disciples looked again Jesus was alone and his appearance had returned to normal. The disciples did not tell anyone what they saw.

Watch: (Saddleback Kids)

Where did Jesus take the 3 disciples? Why did they go there? What happened when Jesus prayed? Who came to be with Jesus? What did Peter want to do? Why did he want to build shelters? What did the voice from heaven say? Who was the voice? Why did the disciples not tell others about what happened?


Colouring page –
Craft – 

Wordsearch – 

Decoder –

Pray: God help me to listen to you. Amen

Father in heaven watch over our loved ones.
Keep them by your side.
May they be safe and peaceful, in you may they abide.
Give wisdom to the doctors and nurses too we pray,
renew their strength and bless them for the work they do each day. Send healing and restoration and let them feel your love.
May your Holy Spirit give them rest as gentle as a dove. Amen (Taken from Praying Together)

Share – The voice from heaven told the disciples to listen to Jesus – can you take a few minutes to listen to God?