Ready for ADVENTure? – Sunday 21st November, 2:30pm – 4:30pm, Canon Kelly Hall, Glendermott, Londonderry.
We are very excited to be hosting a free family friendly event for children, young people, parents, grandparents, and leaders.
We will be spending some time thinking about Advent, waiting and being ready. There will be music, drama by Play it by Ear, food, games, crafts and much more. There will be time together and a time where we divide into Primary/National School (with parents/guardians) and Secondary School age (with leaders) to do some different tasks before coming back together for prayer and food.
Covid and Safeguarding Trust regulations will be in place, so we are asking people to register in advance using Eventbrite.(
Masks will also be worn (unless eating or medically exempt)
This is the first time we will be gathering, and we hope to see as many families as possible on this day. More information is available by clicking here and here.
Are you ready for ADVENTure?