Children’s Resources Sunday 24th January

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Kirsty has out together some resources that are follow the themes in our bible readings for Sunday 24th

A printer friendly version is available at

It is also reproduced below

Sunday 24th January – Jesus calls his disciples Read: Mark 1: 14-20

Jesus had 12 disciples and had called them from different walks of life. Last week we learnt about Nathanael. Today Jesus met Simon and Andrew while they were fishing. He also called James and his brother John. All these men were fishermen, but Jesus was giving them to chance to become ‘fishers of men’ All four men dropped everything they were doing and followed Jesus.

Watch:  (Saddleback Kids)
Where was Jesus walking? Who did he find on the shore? What did he ask the disciples to do? What happened when Peter was fishing? What did Jesus call the disciples to be?

Jesus calls Peter from Saddleback Kids

(Kidsway Channel) – listen to this song and join in!

Fishers of Men Song from Kidsway Channel


Wordsearch –

Colouring page –

Dot to Dot –

Maze –


God, help me to follow you, just as the disciples did. Amen.

Father in heaven watch over our loved ones.
Keep them by your side.
May they be safe and peaceful, in you may they abide.
Give wisdom to the doctors and nurses too we pray,
renew their strength and bless them for the work they do each day.
Send healing and restoration and let them feel your love.
May your Holy Spirit give them rest as gentle as a dove. Amen (taken from Praying Together)


Find out how to make an origami boat – use the internet or ask a grown up. Make some and have a race with them. Think about how hard it would have been for the disciples to leave their boats to follow Jesus.