Children’s Resource Sheet for 1st November 2020

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Kirsty has put together some resources themed around the Matthew 5:1-12 reading for All Saints Day 1st November. In the past it was called All Hallows Day, and that is where we get Halloween from, it is derived from “Hallows Eve”

The sheet is available at

Kirsty asks us to Read: Matthew 5:1-12
Jesus took time to speak to a lot of people – this passage is from the start of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus starts with the Beatitudes or blessings. Today is All Saints’ Day – a day where we take time to think about Christians we know who have died, or people who have died that have had an influence on us. It can be a sad day because we miss people, but it can also be a good chance to remember what people have taught us. Jesus promises that even though things may seem sad and scary that God will be there through it all and will help and guide us.

Sermon on the Mount from Crossroad Kids. What does Beatitude mean? What does Jesus want us to do? How can we do this? How would you have felt if you were in the crowd?

The resources include

From Sermon4Kids a colouring page

A Wordsearch

and a Maze –

From Doodle Art Alley a Fill the boxes activity


Dear God. As we think of all those who have died, we thank you for the influence they have had on our lives. Thank you for all the saints who have led the way for us. Amen.

Father in heaven watch over our loved ones.
Keep them by your side.
May they be safe and peaceful, in you may they abide.
Give wisdom to the doctors and nurses too we pray,
renew their strength and bless them for the work they do each day.
Send healing and restoration and let them feel your love.
May your Holy Spirit give them rest as gentle as a dove. Amen (taken from Praying Together)

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In churches we used stained glass windows as a way to tell stories – design a stained-glass window to tell the story of a saint – either research a saint or design one for someone you know and love.