Sunday 30th April 2023 – The Good Shepherd – John 10: 1 – 10
Read: read the story of The Good Shepherd from John 10: 1 – 10. Jesus liked to use parables and everyday objects to share his teaching. This meant people would be able to understand what he was talking about. In our reading today Jesus tells the story of a shepherd and sheep. He explains that sheep know the voice of their shepherd and will only follow that voice – no matter what anyone else
says or does, or how noisy it is, the sheep will only do what the shepherd asks! Jesus also explains that a thief will try to climb over a wall or get into the sheep pen any way he can, but the true
shepherd will simply open the gate.
Jesus is our shepherd – we should listen to his voice and follow his instructions – he will open the gate and we have to follow – others may try to tempt us and distract us, but like the sheep we
should follow the true shepherd!
Watch: (CartoonWorks)
How can a sheep recognise their shepherd? How does a shepherd get into the pen? What will the sheep do when they hear the shepherds voice? Who should we be following? (Happy Puppets)
Have a sing along to I just wanna be a sheep!
Do: Make a Jigsaw Puzzle – puzzle-activity-sheet/ You can pick the number of pieces your puzzle has or use it as a colouring sheet.
Make a sheep –
Maze –
Wordsearch –
Pray: May we know you more clearly, love you more dearly, follow you more nearly, day by day.
Amen. (The Prayer of St. Richard of Chichester)
Father in heaven watch over our loved ones.
Keep them by your side.
May they be safe and peaceful, in you may they abide.
Give wisdom to the doctors and nurses too we pray,
renew their strength and bless them for the work they do each day.
Send healing and restoration and let them feel your love.
May your Holy Spirit give them rest as gentle as a dove. Amen
(taken from Praying Together)
Share: Play a game of follow the leader – when you are out for a walk pick one person to be the leader and everyone must follow where they go – if they jump, you jump, if they hop, you hop etc.