Wednesday – Jesus washes the disciples feet – John 13:1-17
Read: John 13:1-17
This happened during the Last Supper which we will look at tomorrow. We need to remember that at the time of Jesus people wore sandals or went bare footed- no shoes like we know. Roads would have been dusty and dirty and there was probably animal poo to be stepped over as well! Peoples feet would have been dirty, and like we wash our hands before eating, people would have washed their hands and their feet! But it was a smelly job, and one only the lowliest servant would do. Jesus is a king – a very different king as he is the servant king – Jesus poured water, and washed the disciples feet. The disciples didn’t really understand what was happening but Jesus explained to them that if he, who is their teacher and leader can wash feet, they can do the same. He was encouraging them to help others – even if it is a horrible job!
Watch: (Saddleback Kids)
How would you react if Jesus washed your feet? Would you like to wash someones feet? Can you serve others?
Word Search –
Code Breaker
Pray: The Lord’s Prayer