Sunday 19th February 2023 – The Transfiguration

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Kirsty has prepared some resources themed around the Bible Readings for the 19th February 2023, a printer friendly version is available at

Read: Matthew 17:1-9

As the disciples had been travelling with Jesus they had been learning more about him, and from him. In our story today we hear about another very important lesson that Jesus taught 3 of his disciples. Jesus went up to the top of a mountain with Peter, James and John to pray. When he was there something amazing happened – his whole appearance changed and he shone as bright as the sun. Then Moses and Elijah appeared and they started talking. When the disciples saw this they didn’t know what to do, but Peter asked if he could make them each a shelter. Suddenly a loud voice came from heaven and said ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him.’ The disciples were terrified and fell face down onto the ground. They realised that this was the voice of God talking to them – they needed to listen. Jesus came over and touched the men, telling them not to be afraid and to get up. They needed to see and hear what was happening. When they looked again, all they saw was Jesus. On the way back down Jesus told them not to say anything, until he had been raised from the dead.

Peter, James and John had experienced something incredible – they had heard the voice of God. Any doubts they had that Jesus was the Messiah they had been waiting on were taken away – they had been in the presence of God, and knew they needed to listen carefully to everything Jesus said – just as the voice of God had told them.


Who did Jesus take up the mountain? What happened when they got there? What did the voice say? Who owned the voice? I wonder how the disciples would have felt in that moment? I wonder how they felt when they came down the mountain?


Colouring page –

Crossword –
Hot seating – put one of the disciples on the hot seat and ask them questions about witnessing the Transfiguration
Maze –

Pray: Dear God, help us to listen to you, just as the disciples did. Amen.

Father in heaven watch over our loved ones.
Keep them by your side.
May they be safe and peaceful, in you may they abide.
Give wisdom to the doctors and nurses too we pray,
renew their strength and bless them for the work they do each day. Send healing and restoration and let them feel your love.
May your Holy Spirit give them rest as gentle as a dove. Amen (Taken from Praying Together)

Share: Ask someone to share a story with you – be sure to listen carefully.