Children’s Resource Sunday 30th Jan 2022

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Sunday 30th January 2022 – Jesus is not accepted in Nazareth ReadLuke 4:22 – 30

Kirsty has put together some resources that link in with the Bible readings for Sunday 30th Jan 2022.

A printer friendly version is available at The contents are reproduced below.

Jesus went to the synagogue in Nazareth where he read from a scroll as he had done before. He read about what God had sent him to do. People were shocked that this was Joseph’s son and were saying lots of good things about him, but Jesus went on to say how he would never really be accepted in his own home town which made people angry – so angry in fact that they ran Jesus out of town – they wanted to kill him and had planned to throw him off a cliff, but Jesus walked straight through the crowd and went on his way.

Watch: (Bible Blocks)

Where was Jesus? Why were people so amazed to hear Jesus? What did he read? What did this

mean? Why did the people turn on Jesus? How did he manage to get away?


Colouring Page –

Decoder –

Crossword –

Read the passage again – use emojis draw how Jesus would have been feeling during the story, describe how the crowd would be feeling, and finally describe how the disciples would be feeling.


Thank you that Jesus was able to go on his way. Amen

Father in heaven watch over our loved ones.
Keep them by your side.
May they be safe and peaceful, in you may they abide.
Give wisdom to the doctors and nurses too we pray,
renew their strength and bless them for the work they do each day. Send healing and restoration and let them feel your love.
May your Holy Spirit give them rest as gentle as a dove. Amen (Taken from Praying Together)

Share – Find out some information about someone in your community who is doing their best to help others – can you help with their task?