Kirsty has put together a listing of resources themed around the bible readings for Sunday 6th December. Available from the diocesan website at and reproduced below
Read: Mark 1:1-8
Before Jesus was born there was another special baby born called John. John would grow up to have a very important job – he would tell people about Jesus and prepare the way for him to come and teach others. John was called John the Baptist because he baptised people – John told people he would baptise them with water but someday Jesus would come and baptise them with the Holy Spirit. John was very unique – he lived in the wilderness, wore clothes made from camel hair and ate locusts and wild honey. He was important and always pointed people to Jesus.
Watch: (Saddleback Kids)
Who is John the Baptist? How is he related to Jesus? What did John do? What clothes did Johnwear? What did John eat?
Do: Colouring page –
Spot the difference – differences/view/
Wordsearch –
Heavenly Father, through this season of Advent, we prepare for our Christmas celebrations of the birth of your Son Jesus Christ.
In all the bust times help us to see the importance of your love for us. Show us new ways to share the message of your love for all people. We pray this in the name of Jesus, whose coming we eagerly await. Amen. (taken from Praying Together)
Father in heaven watch over our loved ones.
Keep them by your side.
May they be safe and peaceful, in you may they abide.
Give wisdom to the doctors and nurses too we pray,
renew their strength and bless them for the work they do each day.
Send healing and restoration and let them feel your love.
May your Holy Spirit give them rest as gentle as a dove. Amen (taken from Praying Together)
At 5pm take a light outside and take part in Christmas Shine the Light. Once you have your light outside say an Advent prayer and sing a Christmas Carol. Can you invite others to join in?