Level 5 Restrictions in force from midnight 21st October

The government of Ireland has moved all counties onto Level 5 restrictions effective midnight Wednesday 21st October (i.e. from Thursday 22nd Oct) It is planned that this will remain in force for six weeks until the start of Dec 2020.

Church buildings will remain closed and services will be available online. We will continue to stream a service live at noon on Sundays via http://fb.me/smkcofi and later each Sunday recordings will be available on our youtube link and Dial a service provider 1800937487. Weddings can have up to 25 guests. Funerals are limited to a maximum of 25 mourners.

Only essential journeys should be made. Schools remain open. Further details on the restrictions can be found at https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/2dc71-level-5/?referrer=http://www.gov.ie/level5/

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