On Sunday 19th July at 12 noon we will start public worship in Stranorlar church. There will be some differences compared to how we did worship before. I would like to highlight some so that it won’t be a surprise. The Select Vestry has issued a letter with more details.
- Some seating has been roped off so that there will be 2 metre distancing between pews.
- If you feel unwell or have been in contact with a person who has COVID-19 or travelled abroad in the last 14 days we ask that you join us via web/facebook rather than in person.
- Entry will be from the main door adjacent to main road but exit will be via the side door.
- The toilet will remain closed.
- No need to bring prayer books or hymnals into church
- No singing, we will be listening to music and video clips but we can’t join in.
- Seating will be filled from the front of the church and contact tracing details will be gathered.
- There will be a box available to put your collection in as you leave the church.
- Please follow the directions of wardens and the rector, these procedures not only keep each of us safe but they are legal requirements that HSE and Garda can inspect.