Bishop Ken retired 31st May 2019

The diocese ran two events to celebrate and thank Bishop Ken and his wife Mary for their ministry and service to the communities of Derry and Raphoe,

A Songs of Praise Event – ‘Thine Be the Glory’, in the Guildhall, Londonderry, Saturday 25th May 7.30pm where thanks will be given to God for Bishop Ken and Mary’s ministry in both church and community. This was a celebration with guests and music hosted by Paul Clark from UTV.

An Ascension Day Service of Holy Communion at Royal and Prior Comprehensive School, Raphoe at 7:30pm on Thursday 30th May, preacher Bishop Ken Clarke.

This service involved the symbolic act of Bishop Ken laying down his crozier to mark the end of his service to the Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe. It was a moving tribute to Bishop Ken and many thanks to the parishioners of Raphoe parish who helped organise the event, to the Board and staff and the pupils of the Royal and Prior school who provided the venue and worked around the upheaval that was occurring during the lead up to the event in preparing the marquee and the associated cables generators that were needed. Bishop Ken and his wife Mary gave of their time freely to meet everyone who attended.