Getting Ready for Easter-Lent

Getting Ready for Easter-Lent

Easter is just around the corner and as a major celebration many Christians around the world spend the 6 weeks before Easter, Lent. To reflect, pray and get ready to celebrate the miracle and hope of the Resurrection.

Watch this space for events materials and more to help us be ready to welcome Jesus as Saviour.

Reading the Psalms for all their worth

On Saturday mornings February 4th, 25th, March 18th & April 8th join Desi to look at the Psalms afresh.

See how they speak of the many aspects of life in all its trials, relationships, joys and worship. Its words convey not only the journeys of life, but the deep thoughts and desires of the human heart in our journey with Almighty God. Inspired by the Holy Spirit men of old put into verse life, love, prophesy and God’s love to help people down through the centuries. So take a little time and journey with Desi as he brings to life and puts into perspective these ancient, yet wonderful verses to strengthen our lives and gladden the heart. You can attend one session or take in all four teaching days. Saturday 4th Feb Trinity Hall Letterkenny 10:30am to 1:30pm Teaching day 1: €15 including lunch Further details & Applicaton Form

Lenten Bible Study

God’s Heart for Migrants: Biblical Wisdom for a World in Turmoil, Bible Studies for Lent 2017 by Dr. David Shepherd is the seventh Bible Study resource offered by the Biblical Association for the Church of Ireland (BACI). Further information about the Booklet is available on the BACI website at

If you are interested in purchasing copies for Lent they are available from Richard Ryan at the Bookwell at at €2.50